Monday, June 8, 2009

Kirland Signature European Cookie 1kg

I made the robot

After having made the court for a while ', and spurred by the absence of the owner of the house itself - which threatened to force a slow death by suffocation among the "dust rhinos - so as not to bend to the housework, I bought ... tada ... The Roomba! Il mio Roomba in carica sulla sua base in cucina

The effectiveness as a vacuum cleaner is undeniable, but especially the satisfaction is in the guide with some obvious trick to what I want to do. I admit, I bought a giocattolone ... but it works!

The disappointment however is that there is in Artificial Intelligence in which, despite being much more effective than you might imagine, is still very low. For example, I was hoping to be able to unleash the house, whereas it is not really able to learn the layout of the house, and has difficulty with very thin barriers (such as chair legs). In short, I realized that the most practical thing you carry into the room I want that clean, close it in (there is a practical "invisible wall" to confine infrared without closing the door) and leave it in peace.

support it, I press "start", he makes a little noise like C1P8 happy, and if it for a while strolling '(also a lot') apparently at random throughout the space that can be achieved, even in carefully cleaning angles thanks to a brush attached. When you think you have done is another typical robotic chirping of satisfaction and stops waiting. And hit the "dock" and with a little 'luck, it returns to its base to charge (but if you do not "hear" directly does not know where, and if the running for a while' until it happens in the cone of IR emitted by the base).

Vaguely disturbing, but it works :-)


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