Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Milena Velba In Forum
been months since I wander among the various offers to see if this much-vaunted passing the free market has finally produced the miracle that everyone - a little naively, perhaps - had expected, or a decrease in the cost for users with the same (at least) of service.
Now, in fact I have not found a price that is seriously competitive with those established by the Authority for those who are still in "enhanced protection regime" (what the hell does that mean?).
In fact, a fantastic (to say them) offer just A2A pervenutami (by post, since I already know their client) reports honestly a column "+" signs in the difference in spending between before and after. Small increments, it is true, but that makes me wonder why I should never have bothered to make a new contract, as they make their own estimates say that spend more.
Actually, turning the paper are estimated with two-hourly, all signs that they do "-" (or saves) to get sin that must be estimated that the two thirds of the energy consumption of my house is after 19 and before 8 am or on weekends. But when ever? As if one could wake up at three in the morning to hang the clothes washed, the washing machine and reload it again.
risparmione And all for a year calculated in the best case - the annual consumption of 7500 kWh (!) For a total expenditure of € 1683.53 - about € 7 (seven) and cents 83 (eighty). A big saving of 0.47%, wow!
All this without counting, however, taxes (for some reason).
But who are we trying to fool?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix Buscuits
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ozark Trail Air Matress Plug Cap
Finally someone has noticed that a computer pollute much more than a ream of paper.
Long live books!
Even if, in fact, carrying around War and Peace in an e-book rather than bound in paperback makes a big difference ...
Cooking Hibachi Scallops
Ed Bott in this post writes things that I think for some time.
I can add to what he writes I have only just his own needs, and I get the same service - but Google is free (since my Nokia E71 knows synchronize your calendar with Google Calendar and Address Book with Gmail contacts I have come full circle, so final).
Also, I avoid the detestable Outlook and its curse. PST (invented, no doubt, by Satan to drain our vital energy). What more?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Kosovo Letter Of Invitation
I can only praise in no uncertain terms, this excellent set of utilities for Excel, which however, is completely free for personal use.
For those interested, the site is .
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Altair Hidden Blade For Sale
of this embezzlement have always bothered me deeply, because it is the my post, and it is absolutely unacceptable to me that my content is then captured by a program that is careful not to make them available in any way if not by himself.
makes me see that even from the binaries (pre-Office 2007 to be precise) of Word you can retrieve the text ... and the Office tools - Outlook excluded - has always offered to export content into other formats. Maybe bad, maybe losing the formatting, but wow, at least in some way you recover! Outlook however has refused to export anything in a usable, unless you want to imagine that export to text message each - one by one - can be defined as a way usable.
I hope that soon born of interoperability tool, the tool would be for me to release a couple of years of mail from the chains imposed by the cowardly policies of a past employer.
UPDATE: Microsoft has actually released the specifications . From a first reading, I understand why so many people. ... Incrocci PST a severe case of over-engineering ...
computers, Microsoft , Outlook, open source
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Left Eye Keeps Watering
Tomorrow David starts school.
not "again", but "start" will be her first day of first grade.
And we parents will be the first day as parents of a child who goes to school (kindergarten, nursery school or if you prefer, it was nice, but does not count). We are more excited
us of him and me, the green age of forty-two is a bit 'like a child again. But knowing what awaits me after "...
Anyway, David is smarter than I was at his age has already understood that the free ride is over, and it is not so happy to start primary school ;-)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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I know, I do not compete to write about Walter, but I think it is permissible to remember with all the affection possible. A colleague, a friend, a great person: the inimitable Gigi posted his memory and together with some evidence "from the past" that make a wonderful summary of it was "our" Valter.
his wife and children, his sister Giusy - even her former colleague in Siosistemi - and condolences to all family members who unfortunately was not able to convey in person because I was really too far, and for me there was no even one crumb of consolation that comes from embracing with eyes the poor mortal remains of a person you loved.
But I'm glad that Walter's ashes rest in the sky between Wilhelm and Sebino, because each will go up the mountain on which I will remember him and keep him alive.
Goodbye, Walter, and thank you for everything. We'll miss you, but wait for us.
Friday, August 28, 2009
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So start now to tell ... history.
was cold. Merion decided to go to take refuge in a hut, from which, however, continued to drop a few flakes of snow. By now winter was busy, full in December, and she thought after wanted to change his life and escape from everything that belonged to her, had been a mistake. He was afraid. Fear of not succeeding. Of being unable to start over a new life.
It lies on the ground, in vain over the straw that warmed his thin body.
lying there and suffering, hardly seemed to her the princess of the kingdom of England for use in the crown, if only he wanted to.
With a long dress and round trying to get heat, in order to pass that night, and see what would reserved for the future.
A ray of light came from a crack in the cold huts, which warmed and soothed the face of Merion, while outside they heard voices, horse hooves in the distance that slowly approached.
taken by the strong shaking jumped up and took his stuff, a bag where he kept the bare minimum, and looked through the holes of what was happening outside his shelter. A dozen mounted soldiers, a general and another of his knowledge of Strasbourg on the border, the guards of the king of France had gone looking for her, yes, the princess .
Merion was agitated, now were there, they would have taken and returned to his kingdom. But his flight duration 13 weeks so it would be worth nothing?
His legs were shaking, the guards were there, the soldiers shouted. ''There is a hut!''''Check!''
The loudest noise in the ears of horses' hooves on the ground fighting that grew stronger. Eyes without realizing it flew away so many tears clear he felt only noises, did not understand anything, what happened or where he was. He stood with his ears plugged by the hands, kneeling on one side of the hut, he could not open his eyes.
''E ', sir!''
property again without any strength to rebel, he heard the voice of the traitor General Henry, his father, who picks her up and headed the horse.
''Lady, lady ... how many times we told you should not run ... it makes things more difficult this way!''
General Boulier has always been well regarded by his family, had become after all these tricks and deceive the personal adviser to the king, who for years has always tried to take away the crown to seize him. But she knew how he was, despite his father did not agree with his opinion. Do not believe her. Now his only goal was to bring home safely Merion, obtain the complete confidence of his father, then get rid of her and the king once and for all. The small
still could not open my eyes, he was too afraid to return to the stark reality, a that terrible fate it deserves.
''The advice not to rebel expensive because otherwise I'll have to really kill her, and before returning.'' She
on horseback, and gave Merion in the arms of another soldier, covered with a helmet is placed immediately in front of him volunteer to take it.
''Treat her well, put it on horseback and go away from here too it is snowing.''
Merion, still with eyes closed, he suddenly felt an intense heat, a pleasant sensation, and, without thinking of anything else or what the return would have happened, he let go of that soldier lying on his arms, in a light sleep .
So now, had gone well. Thirteen weeks with of a new life, whereas the old one was not yet over, almost. Would end soon, but there would be no new life.
No happy ending.
''Hey what do you say then to stop a few houses in the village and take some women and food? Good idea huh?''.
Between laughter and the sound of horses walking, Merion began to feel everything as far as if you were slowly moving away from everyone, when suddenly a voice in his ear,''Do not you hear the whispers. Pretend to sleep.''
all happened very quickly: Nitrite strong horse, accompanied by screams and cries din of so many horses that ran quickly toward her, her close close to the soldier who held firm to him for not dropping, the high speed that almost seemed there was an earthquake.
''Hurry, get this! Is running away with the Princess!''''
But he does! And 'one of our soldier!''''
is not one of our soldiers is an imposter! Take it NOW, I SAID RUN, RUN!''
Merion tight as a strange soldier who carefully kept him strong, he felt more peaceful, especially when the screams of''bad''became more and more distant . Yeah. He ran like lightning.
After being sure to have them planted, the warrior began to slow down ... I feel the light of Merion sun beating on his face, that warmed the cold morning, felt the scent of the flowers that were on their way, when taking some force, managed to open his eyes.
He could not see it well, a rider, it seemed, with a helmet that was a mirror in the sun, with hair died or moved or smooth, but there was still too much light to see well, from that position.
''How are you feeling? I hope I did not take them too scared''
He recognized immediately that that was the same voice that told her to go quietly to sleep.
''No, no, no fear.''
could not question him, it seemed a dream to be away from those beasts that would flow only to die, just got home.
''If you do not mind, I would say to cross the border, to sow them all. Right now we are still looking, you better hurry.''
With a strong and precise step, the reset of horse racing, to another life.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Bleeding Before Period
In fact it marks another point in the dematerialization of the OS, and migrate everything to the Web Now do not you write applications more "normal", but everything must have a face and basically live inside the Web browser, which effectively becomes the new OS. And that they understood both the Netscape and Microsoft and that's why you've got a war ... which fortunately ended by stating emphatically that there is no single manufacturer, there is instead a single standard, and many producers competing for best implement it - as it does in all industries evolved. Thank goodness.
same time, all of them (Microsoft, Google, IBM, etc..) Seem to have decided that the cloud computing is the way forward for the future, and I totally agree - with the spread of HSDPA, among other things, there are more places where it is impractical to connect to, and the available bandwidth is still a lot.
short, the connected world that "we old hacker," we imagined is becoming a reality - for better or for worse. But all in all I think the balance is largely positive evolution.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Transformers Footy Pjs
The railways old and / or disposed always fascinate me.
Going from Rovato I often see the old train line (ex-SNFT) that descended from Iseo in Cremona, and that just crossed the line in Rovato main FS (RFI hours) Milan-Venice. The path from Rovato
Iseo to exist, but I do not think is most widely used for years. He leaves snaking east of Rovato, around the town of St. Cazzago Martin and rejoins the main branch of the Brescia-Iseo-Edolo Bornato station.
The section from Rovato Cremona was however interrupted by bombing during World War II, disbanded since the years immediately after, and it no longer remains almost even memory.
The station still exists however, and although it is clearly closed for years the original path towards Cremona is still visible in the facade:

shame that these children go railways in disarmament, it would be nice - thanks to usual association of enthusiasts - This line was also sometimes traced (possibly by a fine steamer), for some tourists, as well as Palazzolo-Paratico.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Cake Mate Icing Expiration?
"First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.
Then they came for Jews and I said nothing because I was being unsympathetic .
Then they came for the homosexuals and I was relieved, I was annoying.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not say anything because was not a Communist.
One day came to take me and there was still no one to protest. "
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cover Letter For Makeup Shop
the station of Brescia, on the railroad tracks Valcamonica, I found this interesting contrast between diesel railcars: a brand new, just come into service with the new livery company of the North (which, admittedly, is a lot 'prettier strips of old green / blue), and the other at least sixty years old, which has been restored to original color sand / rust and even (pictured below) the old logos oval blue / silver SNFT, the now defunct National Railway Company and Tramways, which ran from Rome to Brescia-Iseo-Edolo - and also a time-Iseo-Rovato Cremona who passed for Orzinuovi (up to 1944 with the trains, and then until the 90s of last century with the bus).
I particularly appreciated the effort "philological" restoration dell'automotrice implemented in the 50s, as you can see, the logo "The North" the present management, as this is a discreet one color white just below the headlight central high above the cockpit. Just good, the current leaders of rolling of the North.

SNFT The old logo looks great on the doors themselves dell'automotrice:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Redoing Rock Fire Places
Without going into the technicalities of the fact (which is true) that is not the speed to be dangerous, but the acceleration (or, rather, the sudden negative acceleration), this claim is not "politically correct" is that the speed limit when it makes no sense, or does not fit the road on which it is placed, is systematically violated.
It is only a veil, wash your hands a notice by the owner of the road that simply relieve a problem (I can not do maintenance on the road? and then down with limits) or trivially tries to raise cash, as is unfortunately confirmed by several judgments on the relationship between local authorities and the companies that produce detectors of speed, so to speak, "unscrupulous."
Or, in my opinion and I am really the last straw, the limits that are located near the construction sites (70 km / h on motorways, 30 or even 20 km / h on normal roads). When you meet them you immediately create a traffic jam, and in extreme cases you may tamponade. In addition, there are certainly the way in which "guarantees" the safety site personnel - which, of course, every right to expect that their safety is a pre-requisite. None of them, I think, feel protected by the fact of placing the sign "20" into the barricade.
The link to the article is here .
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Off Road Go Kart Free Plans
Monday, June 8, 2009
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The effectiveness as a vacuum cleaner is undeniable, but especially the satisfaction is in the guide with some obvious trick to what I want to do. I admit, I bought a giocattolone ... but it works!
The disappointment however is that there is in Artificial Intelligence in which, despite being much more effective than you might imagine, is still very low. For example, I was hoping to be able to unleash the house, whereas it is not really able to learn the layout of the house, and has difficulty with very thin barriers (such as chair legs). In short, I realized that the most practical thing you carry into the room I want that clean, close it in (there is a practical "invisible wall" to confine infrared without closing the door) and leave it in peace.
support it, I press "start", he makes a little noise like C1P8 happy, and if it for a while strolling '(also a lot') apparently at random throughout the space that can be achieved, even in carefully cleaning angles thanks to a brush attached. When you think you have done is another typical robotic chirping of satisfaction and stops waiting. And hit the "dock" and with a little 'luck, it returns to its base to charge (but if you do not "hear" directly does not know where, and if the running for a while' until it happens in the cone of IR emitted by the base).
Vaguely disturbing, but it works :-)
Where To Buy Traditional Bermuda Shorts
But the most interesting information is this: to direct what they (re) named Brian MacDonald, to whose credit (?) There are two gems such as Outlook and Project. That the two
ossimoreschi software that Microsoft has ever produced: one part utilizzatissimi because essentially inevitable, the other, so almost unanimously hated by anyone who understands something of computer science, and filled with wrong settings can not be changed (except in some cases, but with great difficulty). Two
software, in fact, from which I have never regretted that I kept away. Or, conversely, that made me angry whenever I was forced to use them.
With such a pedigree, Bing did not even get close to me in photography.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Mothers Paddling Their Sons
Speak, but would like to scream.
After more than thirty 'years of guerrilla and terrorist attacks, 18 May 2009 the war in Ceylon closes. The war is over, declares the state. 70 000 deaths, mostly civilians, are perhaps seemed enough. I hear the news for the event, Radio24 on the same day. TG to bust the announcer does not say a single word. In the newspaper the next day, a few small blurb or anything. Last night I turn TV, Ballarò , we talk about the sex lives of our Prime Minister. The question arises: how is it that in recent months can speak only of this? History of novelettes by four soldiers, those printed on poor quality paper, cover yellowed, even if new, grammatical errors, or missing printed pages in half. Yes, ok, I grant you, are events that occurred "the other side of the world" (the says my grandmother), we are interested in our. But how can all the wars, natural disasters, disputes occurred "elsewhere" to play second fiddle life sexsualis of one man? They must wait for disaster. And maybe not even enough for that. Every single day, something happens in Calcutta as Acitrezza , such as Alba Cape Town , Arcore as Washington , and I do not know anything. We rejoice and cry, live and die everywhere, but perhaps not everyone knows that. And since I can not be everywhere, expect that someone will tell me the stories of others. But that someone often forget, or you want to forget, and choose for me what I gotta know. I have to laugh a bit, 'even though I know I should not.
that the world is all a big joke?
postscript: the end of the war in Ceylon me a little 'shock, no more hoping. During this time I cried for every Sri Lankan who left us, of whatever ethnicity, and religion. I was hoping, alas, a bit 'more information. I'm still doubtful. But part of me that hopes there is still talked about today.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Kates Playground Mobil
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Why Does Maalox Make Your Poop Black

You saw her bathing on the roof"
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Compressor For Spray Tan
Diamond Capitol Havana Cuba
The "zero kilometer" of Cuba is in Havana in the Capitol, a building constructed in 1929 by Eugenio Raynier Stone, and is intended to house and be home to the legislative body of the Congress of the Republic of Cuba Located in the center of capital, Havana. When Congress was dissolved, is now the headquarters of the Ministry for the Convention and Exhibition Center. Open to the public, is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the city. It is the second highest point in Havana after the monument to José Martí Revolution Square.
The building has a 25-carat diamond embedded in the floor or the Hall of Lost Steps Pasos Perdidos, right in the center of the dome and at the foot of the Statue of the Republic. It is said that the diamond is owned by the last Russian tsar, Nicholas II, and healing powers. The diamond marks the kilometer zero of the Cuban streets.
Although protected by a solid unbreakable glass considered sculpture, the diamond was stolen March 25, 1946 and returned on June 2 next year.